Wednesday, March 31, 2010

United States of Argentina

While searching through articles that deal with Argentina and the United States I came across the article "United States of Argentina." This article is based upon the history of Argentina's economy, and how the United States economy is going. I found it very interesting, and was wondering what everyone's opinions were on this article.

United States of Argentina

Examiner Editorial
March 31, 2010


  1. I think this is a very interesting article and a very controversial subject. Many people have strong opinions on what is being called "Obamacare". I suppose we can sometimes look to the past to see how the future may go but while listening to the President speak today, I was interested to hear him say, that he had just signed the law last week. We don't know how it is going to go yet. He likened it to planting seeds on a farm and going out the next week and being upset because there is no crop growing. I'm inclined to wait and see what happens. I know in November many are going to try to repeal the law. President Obama stated that it is now a perfect law and things may need to be changed a long the way, but he seemed to be open to those changes and not glued only to what he signed last week. Maybe I am being naive - and I definitely see that government spending is out of control but I don't think I can say that I feel that the United States is going the way of Argentina as suggested in this article. It is certainly something to consider and be aware of. Also, I had no idea of the history of Argentina and I think this article gives a great overview of it. It's sad to think that this once economically sound country now has people moving out because of all the mistakes made in their government.

  2. I think that fear prevents progress. We are a changing world and a changing society and I think it's time for the government to catch up. While I may not agree line for line with the new healthcare bill, I'm not about to throw it out the window based on fear...

  3. Interesting and very opinionated article. I think that while history is a good place to look in order to make decisions about the present, I think that looking too far back can distort things because ways of doing things change based on the progression of peoples opinions. It is also hard to compare the economics of other countries to those of the US because we are one of the most conservative countries. Like Jarica, I don't agree with everything that the healthcare bill states but only time will tell if it will help or hurt our country financially. While I think the article was interesting, especially because it presents an opinion I don't necessarily agree with, I think that it's too soon to start comparing "Obamacare" or our countries spending with the history of other countries until it's been in place long enough to understand it's effects.

  4. Asia, it's funny that you mention it's too soon. I watched the speech the President gave in Portland last week, (on tv) and he said it was like planting a crop one day and going out the next day and being disappointed that nothing has grown yet. It is much to soon to see how this is going to go since it hasn't started yet. I also do not agree with every line of this bill but we have to start somewhere - (too many people don't have insurance!)

  5. absolutely cindy, that's the whole point isn't care should be a basic human right not a privilege. too many people go without it. i do think that we should proceed with caution however, its extremely important to consider the consequences of any policy changes.
